Firstly I'd like to thank SN for the replies last week, we now know your alive and listening. If no reply had been made a fork would be in progress, but you now get a perfect chance to show us how a SN+Community effort can exist.

I would truly love SN to be more active on this lists and show that a community fork is not needed. You can see that community supports a fork, not because we don't want to work with SN, but your not helping us to help yourselves.

A community fork will happen (project espam) by the end of the year if the following points cannot be moved forward:

- Central Repository - with community access
- Central Bug Tracker - with community access
- Fold in exist SN patches, Gentoo patches and any other patches
- Release a Beta with the patches and options in so we can start testing
- Feature Suggestion - with community access, and place to discuss wacky ideas (I have some) - Wiki (maybe Frank will donate the start of this?) - Example setups, docs etc - with community access
- Reliable DNS Servers (the dspam website appears offline most of time)
- Invite Jonathan back into the party (if he can), the project misses him
- Give us some ideas of what SN is doing with dspam
- Better mailing list storage/search function
- Establish contacts with distribution specific maintainers

With comments and direction on the following:

Move towards better distribution standardisation (you have at least Gentoo, CentOS and FreeBSD actively here) Structure/Roles for those willing to help out. Seems like the project can be sub divided (particularly split away webgui) and lots of Doc + testers
Release/Test schedule
Roadmap/Discussion of future ideas/features
Discuss the illegality's of copyright for those that contribute to SN+Community project Assurance of SN commitment to open source and that the community will not be froze out
Take ownership and show us the way.....

If SN doesn't have the time/resource to commit to the dspam project right now, then i'm not adverse to the Compiz/Beryl/Compiz idea. The community is waiting to help make dspam a better product, that's all we care about.

While I'm in a writing mood, I'd also like to thank everyone on the dpsam lists for keeping the project alive this long. My particular thanks goes to Steve for all the work with the Gentoo patches and those with name suggestions for the forked project. 'espam' takes the votes, even though I personally smile at PigeonHole each time i say it :-) Maybe a pigeon can feature in the logo...

I await a positive Sensory Networks reply,


Mark Rogers wrote:
Steve wrote:
The last weeks here almost every one was talking about forking DSPAM. Well... Sensory Networks replied and now every thing is quite again.

I was thinking the same thing. I was optimistic that the message from SN indicated that there might be some involvement from them (and not on an "early next year" timescale) but it's gone quiet again.

My opinion is that a fork would be worthwhile, if only to merge back into the official source if/when SN wish to do so (or not if they decide not).
Okay. Why this long mail? Well... I would love to see other people on the list implement stuff. I am sure that others are developers or can develop. What is holding you back to do things? I miss the time when DSPAM was getting better and better with each release and where you did not had to wait almost 1 year to get a new DSPAM release.

I think I found dspam just too late to have witnessed this, but it's obvious from the passion people have about dspam that it was once there.

As a coder I might be able to offer something, but my days of C coding are some time ago. I would very much like to look at the web interface though (although I'm happier in PHP than Perl). Maybe I could do some documentation too.

So please all you out there using DSPAM and able to code: fire up your dev environment and start coding on DSPAM. Add new features. Fix old known bugs (if you don't know them, then ask here and I am sure you will get responses). Enhance DSPAM. Make it faster. Make it use less memory. Add new storage engines. Etc...

What I'm missing here is a clear idea of where to put the resulting code. Do we fork? Can we at least have a single repository of patches and other enhancements?

Would SN be hostile to a fork? It seems to me that they might benefit from it (they can merge the code back after all, and they don't seem to have the resource to push dspam forward at the moment). If they are hostile to a fork then these mailing lists may disappear...

If you look at how Compiz forked to create Beryl, which later merged back into Compiz once it was stable, then there might be a model we can follow here.

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