Well why would we need to build own svn/cvs/git or what ever you call it when there is already places what offer all of this. Examples: sf.net, freshmeat.net, launchpad.net

Alexander Prinsier wrote:
Dov Zamir wrote:
I say, "let's just do it". Let SN do whatever they want to do. They can
leave us or join us, who cares? I believe that everyone on this list
wants to get DSPAM back where it was two years ago. So let's just do it.
Let's not wait for the developers to show up on this list and say their
ready to help. Developers typically do not read the user's list, they
have their own list. They'll come along when they're needed.if we can
get the project up again as a community project. DSPAM is just too good
to let SN, or anyone else kill it!!

I agree.

In the past, several people showed up and said they were willing to
setup basic services like subversion/git, a mailing list, bug tracking
system, etc. Could those people come forward now? I think it's time.

Personally I'm offering to install and maintain one of the above
services, I have experience in this kind of system administration, just
not the time to maintain _all_ those services.



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