garyp609 wrote:

> I did more testing today and switched out the power supply for the
> repeater to an Astron SS-25M. I also cleaned the N-Connector pins and
> checked for loose cables. The receive is better today but consistently
> after the repeater sits for 5 - 8 minutes dormant and is keyed up the
> first few (2 or 3) transmissions are garbled and then everything
> clears up for the duration of the conversation. It's quite annoying
> when a user keys up and gives their call not knowing they aren't being
> heard. The odds of a user giving their call three times in a row to
> kickstart the repeater is pretty slim. I can reproduce this everytime
> the repeater is idle for that time period. Thanks for all the input.
> Gary K2ACY

Sounds like something is changing behavior as it's heating up.  It's 
going to take some hunting to find it.

Nate WY0X

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