--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "ipscone" <ipsc...@...> wrote:
Replies intermingled.

> Steve,
> Three Questions:
> ------------------
> Question 1:

First - see if WA7FW B is linked using DPlus set UR=WA7FW  I and see if you are 
linked to a remote system.  If so, send UR=^^^^^^^U where '^' = a blank space.  
The two different transport mechanisms may conflict, so it is best to use one 
or the other.  In this case using UR to route to another repeater, turn any 
DPlus off first.  This also depends on whether your local sys admin allows 
users to link and unlink.

> Since you actually contacted Kay, I'm going to ask how you did it.  I tried 
> but clearly something was wrong on my end. ;-)  Here is what I did.
> 1) I configured my phone as follows:
> R1: WA7FW B
> R2: WA7FW G
> MY: KC7VE /Mike
> 2) I then set my Xmit Message to (just to give them the Gateway in a message):

On the TX Message I would have MIKE UR=/WA7FW B - Kay must have this 
information to reply to your call.  Otherwise AOK

> /WA7FW G
> 3) Then I just keyed the mic and announced:
> "JI1BQW, this is KC7VE on calling from /WA7FW Repeater B - Bravo"
I recommend speak slowly and use ITU phonetics.  Make several calls a minute or 
so, apart.

> Should that be all that is required to make contact with Kay, assuming she 
> was online?  If it is, why might this not have worked. The repeater, on my 
> end was working, just before I tried this.  I had a contact with someone 
> local on it.  

The receiving station must program /WA7FW B into his UR - This may take a 
minute or so.  Also make several calls - Kay may not have been sitting and 
waiting for a call, and may have missed your first call.
> -----------------
> Question 2:
> On a second note, this process above (minus any mistakes I made) seems to be 
> for initiating a contact, or CQ, to a distant repeater.  However, what if 
> someone wanted to just listen to what is going on, on that (or other) distant 
> repeater (i.e. JP1YJVA), without making a call.  How could that be done?  Is 
> there a way to listen to other locations, by entering codes similar to IRLP?  
> Process?  Yes and No.  Using Icom Gateway software no - you cannot eavesdrop. 
>  Using Dplus repeater linking with another gateway also using Dplus and 
> permitting linking YES, except the JA repeaters do not use Dplus, yet.

To listen in on Temple B, Set UR=K5CTX BL and key your mic.  You should get a 
voice message - 'remote system linked'.  Then you can use CQCQCQ to speak to 
Temple and folks in Temple can use CQCQCQ to reply.  Each end will hear 'remote 
system linked' and either end can unlink.  Some gateways do not permit linking. 
 Each sys admin operates to fit their immediate goals.
> -----------------
> Question 3:
> Finally, what is the best source of reading, to get up to speed (so-to-speak) 
> on D-Star?  I'd like to do a bit more reading, so I don't have to ask so many 
> simple questions.

There are many.  You can goto www.yahoogroups.com/group/dstar_digital and 
search the archived messages for any topics of interest.  There are also many 
power point and such resources available.  www.dstarusers.org and 
www.dstarinfo.not sure are a couple of many.  Also these yahoo groups, and 
there are many, exist to help folks get going.  73, Steve

ps - good questions.  sb

> Thanks,
> Mike
> --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Bosshard" <bosshard@> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Kay for the enjoyable contact.  I do hope folks outside
> > Japan will remember to place their repeater call sign in their TX
> > Message or say their repeater and module information several times to
> > allow time for the JA station to manually program that information
> > into their UR.  First generation gateway software in Japan and second
> > generation gateway software are not fully compatible without some
> > patches, and features like call sign routing and one touch do not work.
> > 
> > VY 73, Steve NU5D
> > 
> > 
> > --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, JI1BQW <ji1bqw@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Mike,
> > > Welcome to d-star.  Once you get a handle on making domestic calls, why
> > > don't you try calling Japan.
> > > 
> > > I will be mainly monitoring /JP1YJVA (and sometimes /JP1YIQA).  Please
> > > set this callsign to your UR (instead of mine) and call CQ with
> > announcing
> > > your gateway (WA7FW).  After calling CQ, please be patient a bit and
> > > give us some time to set your gateway to our radios.
> > > 
> > > 73,
> > > -- 
> > > JI1BQW - Kay Ishikawa
> > >
> >

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