Additionally, registered D-STAR users have that access, if their  
gateway has the web interface avaiable and they know their passwords.

If you can login to the registration page on the gateway you are  
registered with, you can go to the Terminal Information screen and put  
their call in the "Target CS" box, clear the ZoneRPT CS box, and click  
on "filter." Then it will search the database, and return info on any  
terminals registered to that callsign.  Since most people register at  
least one terminal with a space, you should be able to find them if  
they've registered and set up their terminal entry.

For example if  I put "N9DN" in the "Target CS" box I get back:

Target CS       AreaRPT CS      ZoneRPT CS      Receive Time(UTC)       PC Name 
        Local IP
N9DN            W9YR   B        W9YR            2009-03-12 02:24:50     n9dn   

If I put in KG4WWH I get:

Target CS       AreaRPT CS      ZoneRPT CS      Receive Time(UTC)       PC Name 
        Local IP
KG4WWH          W4RNT  B        W4RNT                                   

The Find-U option is probably easier though.

Debbie Fligor, n9dn
A.R.E.S of Champaign County AEC
email:          <>

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