There's a little bit of reality that's being left out of this discussion that 
definitely needs to be interjected.

When the conversation is using voice, there is absolutely no issues with the 
tactical callsigns being used on voice. Actually D-STAR makes it much more 
effective as you don't have to use voice to make the legal identification, you 
can stay completely in the tactical callsign realm.

When sending data, remember that you usually have to program a callsign in the 
software. This is because that the protocol level callsigns are not presented 
to the software, the software has to create it's own identification. So, in the 
software you can set a tactical call and again the radios themselves can stay 
with the legal callsign and the application handles the tactical callsigns.

Now, if you use the space after the / or the short message field to hold a 
tactical identification, then the information will be seen in most places where 
the callsign is displayed, such as a radio or repeater log.

So I think that this is LOT less of an issue that we seem to be making it.

On a personal observation note, with many years of packets use and some D-STAR 
use behind me, I find that if people have to switch fields such as the MYCALL 
or ALIAS during either a practice or an actual event, they often don't


From: [] On 
Behalf Of John D. Hays
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Tactical Call indication

The 20 character message works very well and would be a good place to do
"Tactical" if you need more than 4 chars. 

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