Scott KI4LKF wrote:

> We will wait a little longer so that the software can be
> presented at the International Fair this November, ...

What international fair is that?

> Currently we are busy taking "orders" and installing it
> around the country at multiple ICOM G2 hardware sites
> and also home-brew(GMSK) Linux systems.

"Around the country" means around the USA?

Has any of your efforts resulted in being able to 
run this software on repeater systems and gateways
that are part of the K5TIT trust server network?

> We know you've waited 5 years or so for another group
> to release an Open Gateway, which of course we
> do not believe it will ever happen, jugding from
> the "BINARY only" attitude that these other groups have.

To be honest - from my point of view it is not important
whether the D-STAR gateway code is open or not ...
or source or binary.

What does matter is that it works, qualified and accepted
by the trust server that we choose to be connected to ...
and that it provides at least the same functionality with
the foundation for future enhancements and capabilities.

Bob W1QA

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