At 10:12 AM 3/10/2010, you wrote:

>And indeed, back to my initial statement. It's pretty obvious how 
>hard it is to reach any consensus and how many different opinions that exist.
>Take a look at the more popular Amateur Radio programs, how many of 
>them are Open Source?

Not many, but the successful VoIP systems of the previous generation 
have some openness in their protocols and an API of some sort.

IRLP - The voice protocol is the public domain Speak Freely 
protocol.  Authentication uses PGP.  It's theoretically possible to 
have a private keyring for non IRLP nodes using the same 
protocols.  The software interface to the IRLP board has been 
re-implemented in open source, and internally, the bulk of the code 
is bash scripts, with plenty of hooks for adding extra functionality.

Echolink - A number of open source implementations exist, so the 
protocols are now effectively open.  Echolink also has an open, 
published API to allow programmers and tinkerers to add functionality 
to the program.  Some of the open source implementations have their 
own means to extend functionality.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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