At 08:27 PM 6/3/2010, Nate Duehr wrote:
>It's actually pretty brilliant.  By displaying it as a callsign and
>another field on the user-interface in the web, it saves confusion, in a
>way, while creating a multiple-radio feature out of nothing more than a
>user-interface display choice by the developer.

It is good in that way. I think it will cause a problem with call sign 
routing if people adopt it frequently (M for mobile, B for base...) - they 
will be "unfindable" (my spell checker claims that's not a word) by anyone 
who doesn't know what ID character they're using. The beauty of call sign 
routing is its simplicity. I know this isn't new - it's just that most of 
us are only learning about it now. It's a wrinkle of complexity that has at 
least two sides, it seems.

Gary KN4AQ

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