At 02:07 PM 6/8/2010, you wrote:

>The only addition would be a system to transcode voice from one 
>vocoder to another. Although JARL "intended" for DSTAR to be ran 
>with AMBE, "DSTAR+" or whatever its called would be a "fork" of the 
>protocol, however allowing for multiple vocoder styles with the base 
>rule that AMBE be one of them, assuming they could squeeze into the 
>same bit rate. It would be a "playground" in which new vocoders, 
>especially "ham" developed ones could be experimented with.

The problem here is that the only way to include all users is to 
transcode back to AMBE, which means on air, we might as well stick to 
AMBE.  The transcoding would be of some use for the Internet side of 
things, but again, with the overhead of UDP/IP, we could do this 
today without developing Codec2 - simply use GSM, there's bandwidth 
to burn on the Internet side of things, and as the codec gets more 
efficient, the packet overheads greatly exceed the payload.

As soon as you transmit anything other than AMBE over the air, you 
have a lot of useless radios and unhappy people who have put money 
into D-STAR out there.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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