About the only anti-DStar stuff we here about here in Tucson is the cost....  
is expensive.  It would be nice if ICOM wasn't the only player.  For those 
afraid to loose their analog (and I really don't know why they would be except 
that they don't want to have to buy new radios and I can't say that I blame 
either), a good digital repeater would be able to do both, DStar and analog.  I 
mean my HT can differentiate between the two signals.  A repeater should be 
to handle both signals and not blink.  My personal opinion, analog should be 
mothballed and something digital (maybe not DStar) should replace it.  We 
be putting up repeaters that can do both....  I haven't seen that done yet.  


David, AC7DS

From: Steve Homer <ei2...@eircom.net>
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 10:49:56 AM
Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Are you exprerencing anti d-star in your area?

Hi David, 

The same was said about Echolink.
People seem to not like the unknown & there was a time Echolink was the same.

Just ride the wave for a while until people learn or are educated to the 
benefits of Dstar - You will find most who oppose it have never tried it!

Steve EI2GYB

On 11/07/10 18:24, davidscott_345 wrote: 
>I have listened to a couple of conversations on analog 2 meter repeaters here 
>Columbus, Ohio. The gist of the conversations seem to be we don't want d-star 
>because they will lose their analog systems.
>After hearing this I checked the the 2007-2008 repeater directory. Taking into 
>account machines I knew were no longer on the air I counted 16 2 meter 
>and 22 440 Mhz machines in operation. 
>There are two d-star systems in Columbus one went up on a new frequency pairs 
>2m and 440. The other went up on existing 2m and 440 repeater pairs. I see 
>as a net loss to the analog folks as 1 2m and 1 440 pair.
>When I scan the local analog repeaters only a couple are used a lot. There are 
>many that don't have any traffic on them for hours at a time. So what do they 
>feel they are losing? 
>I understand if it is not their cup of tea. I don't feel any hostility to CW 
>or packet because I don't use those modes so why should they feel threatened 
>David Scott N8XYF


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