Hi Phil,

Thx for that stuff; I've implemented more or less what you said.
I do have another qn.

Is it possible to return the full path of the dir that's been removed, as I'm 
tracking a home dir (home of a key app that got deleted sometime back).
It'd be nice to avoid false positives.
What I've tried so far, is to check if the target dir (full path from the 
global zone into the 'local' zone) still exists from the controlling Perl 

if( -d $cfg::params{'TRACKED_DIR'} )

Unfortunately, it (Perl -d check) still thinks the dir exists at the time it 
checks the returned output from the DTrace program.
(I've implemented the DTrace stuff as just D code now, ie no shell code reqd, 
I know a file/dir doesn't really go until all processes accessing it have 
closed the file/dir, but surely that doesn't apply here? 

At the moment I'me checking just the final dir name eg xxdir in /a/b/c/xxdir, 
because I couldn't see how to check the full name if eg someone does 'rmdir 

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