
sorry to post this again but my first post didn't make it to the mailing list.

I'm trying to monitor a file, via the iopattern script from the DTrace
toolkit, which resides on a ZFS filesystem and is being modified by a
remote NFS client. I tried this on b104 and b125 nothing more recent.
Plain iopattern without options shows i/o counters as output but when
I supply the filename via the -f parameter all fields remain zero.
I also tried the following oneliners below:
# ./nfsv3fileio.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.

Rbytes Wbytes Pathname
41631744 41421266 <unknown>

# dtrace -n 'nfsv3:::op-read-start,nfsv3:::op-write-start {
@[probefunc,args[1]->noi_curpath] =count(); }'
dtrace: description 'nfsv3:::op-read-start,nfsv3:::op-write-start '
matched 2 probes

rfs3_read <unknown> 867
rfs3_write <unknown> 3470
# dtrace -n 'fsinfo:::read,fsinfo:::write {
@[probefunc,args[0]->fi_pathname] =count(); }' dtrace: description
'fsinfo:::read,fsinfo:::write ' matched 2 probes

fop_read /etc/default/nfs 2
fop_read /etc/resolv.conf 6
fop_read <unknown> 155
fop_write <unknown> 619

Any ideas why this happens, that's the <unknown>? Yes, the i/o are
detected but on which file?


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