Dear Lorenzo,

You might be interested to look at the implementation of adsorption (following 
very much the approach described by Timo) for the oil-water system with 
discrete fractures:

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dumux <> On Behalf Of Timo Koch
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 08:57
To: DuMuX User Forum <>
Subject: Re: [DuMuX] adsorption/desorption term

Viele Grüße,
> Am 17.02.2020 um 07:55 schrieb lc <>:
> Dear Dumux community,
> speaking about adsorption in Dumux, I'd like to ask some clarification.
> With respect to the following answer and considering a 1p2c model, in 
> equilibrium.
> I need to implement an adsorption term such as d(c+A(c))/dt ... where c is 
> the generic concentration (mass or molar fraction component) and A is the 
> adsorption function term, which could Langmuir-like A(c) = k1*c/(1+k2*c).
> So, clearly, this term should enter in time derivative and cannot be a 
> source/sink term. Does the computeStorage function fit for this? As I 
> understand it may compute the partial time derivative (rate of change) of all 
> conservation quantities in the sub-volume, so it should be appropriate. But 
> maybe it depends on the model?
> Which custom LocalResidual should I consider for my 1p2c equilibrium model?
Dear Lorenzo,

you implement a new LocalResidual class which inherits from the 
CompositionalLocalResidual and just overloads the computeStorage function. In 
the implementation of computeStorage you can call 
CompositionalLocalResidual::computeStorage first and then add your A(c) term to 
the storage. 

Then set the type of the property LocalResidual to your new class. 

Good luck

> Thank you,
> Lorenzo
>> On 18.11.2019 18:58, Timo Koch wrote:
>> 3) Depends on if you want to model an equilibrium process or a 
>> non-equilibrium process. For non-equilibrium, you can use the mineralization 
>> models in Dumux (e.g. 2pncmin). They add another equation for balancing the 
>> mass of surfactant adsorbed on the solid matrix. The exchange between solid 
>> and fluid is implemented as a regular source term in the "Problem" class. If 
>> you want an equilibrium process, you probably just want to add something to 
>> your storage term. To this end, you can implement a custom "LocalResidual" 
>> and add the term in the function "computeStorage". 
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