Good morning,

I did as suggested and I observe a remarkable slow down down of the execution, keeping everything the same.

Is this due to the fact that we add a new term in the time derivative and the system should be re-assembled?

Is it an expected behaviour?

I checked that this happens as soon as I "activate" the solidsystem. If I comment it, it is as fast as usual.

Kind regards,

Lorenzo Campoli

On 17.02.2020 10:56, Timo Koch wrote:
you implement a new LocalResidual class which inherits from the 
CompositionalLocalResidual and just overloads the computeStorage function. In 
the implementation of computeStorage you can call 
CompositionalLocalResidual::computeStorage first and then add your A(c) term to 
the storage.

Then set the type of the property LocalResidual to your new class.

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