Dear Sebastian,

I just checked the tpfa darcylaw:
and it seems that you can't use my previous suggestion and simply use absolute values in the functions of <> because there in the darcylaw we calculate the transbissibility t_j related to the neighboring element as:

Did you try to change ||
such that all transmissibilities for the flux calculation are positive.
Maybe you could also start setting up a 1p problem and try if it works there.

Best regards,

On 03.09.21 11:11, Alexander Sebastian Hogeweg wrote:

Dear Martin,

thank you for the fast response. I followed your recommendations and changed the cell center location based on the arithmetic mean (|HACK_CELL_CENTROIDS)|. Here, I am still facing negative values for the grid block transmissibilities (ti).

Additionally, I use the absolute value for the transmissibilities leading to positive values. However, the pressure drop/increase in some cells is still observable.

Do you have other ideas, which could cause this behavior? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


*Von:*Martin Schneider <>
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 3. September 2021 09:37
*An:* DuMux User Mailing List <>; Alexander Sebastian Hogeweg <> *Betreff:* Re: [DuMux] Heterogeneous cornerpoint grid - Pressure drop/increase in scattered cells

Dear Sebastian,

for CP-grids it might happen that the centroid is located out of the cell such that the currently implemented
transmissibility calculation yields negative values.

Did you check if all the transmissibility calculated with the functions in the following header <>
are positive?

I guess you will observe negative values. There are two solutions to overcome this
1. Try to use another cell center instead of the centroid.
2. Try to use the absolute value of the transmissibility (corresponds to switching the normal vector of the corresponding face)

I hope this solves your problem.

Best regards,

On 02.09.21 18:15, Alexander Sebastian Hogeweg wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    I am facing a problem during the simulation of an underground gas
    storage scenario. The used grid is a cornerpoint-grid with a
    heterogeneous distribution of permeability and porosity.
    Additionally, the structure contains a fault connecting a lower
    part of the formation. The used fluid model is 2pnc (h2on2o2), and
    the initialization is based on the example 2p_cornerpoint
    (hydrostatic pressure and pores fully water-saturated). At the top
    and bottom of the structure, Neumann (no-flow) boundaries are
    defined (Dirichlet at the sides with initial). In the present
    status, the molecular diffusion is deactivated, and additionally,
    the centroid cell center location is used.

    After the initialization (looks all right), the pressure in some
    cells of the lower part increases while neighboring grid blocks
    show a lower pressure. Attached you can find some images showing
    the problem (Image 1 and 3: t=0; Image 2 and 4: t =6000s (timestep
    8) and the problem file.  Other (more conforming)
    cornerpoint-grids do not show this behavior.

    Overall, I would like to know if somebody else observed a similar
    situation and could help me with the problem.

    I appreciate any help you can provide, and please let me know if
    you need further information.

    Best Regards,


    Dumux Version: 3.4

    Model: 2pnc

    Grid type: Cornerpoint

    Fluid system: h2on2o2.hh


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