
Sid Barras wrote:
>Hi gang,
>That's where it stands now. Am I wrong in thinking that a claim of 
>"cardbus upgrade by MCE" means what I think it means? (and hopefully, 
>what a majority of list members would confirm) That it should now 
>accept USB cards? (and don't quote me on this, but firewire, too?)
>ESPECIALLY given the fact that the name "MCE" was slipped into the text 
>I don't wish to be an ass, or nitpicking; but I bought this machine 
>with the idea it was going to play nice with my USB printer, and I hope 
>I am reasonable in thinking anyone else here with any knowledge at all 
>with the pb 2400 would think the same thing--
>So, I leave it to the list members to either tell me to lay off, and 
>stop whining, or say "You wuz robbed!!!"
>(I think I paid about $50 or so more dollars than what a stock unit is 
>going for these days... It did come with a couple of power supplies and 
>a cute wetsuit, but.... it's that USB thing that's itching right now, 
>and I just can't get a good scratch going, ya' know?)
>Greetings from CajunLand USA South Louisiana
>Sid Barras

Sid no you're not wrong. It also sounds like you'll spend $50 more in time and energy 
to get $50 back from him. What's his rating on ebay?  Give him a lousy
one and let it go. 

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