Hey Larry...sorry to hear of the medical problems...

On the Verts...I was in the market a few years ago for a vert. for an extra antenna here and did alot of research and comparisons between them...(the few worth looking at anyway).and the best bang for the buck for durability and performance hands down was the Butternut..(in my opinion)...I bought the HF9V and love it...works like a champ from 6m to 80....and I live in the great white north in the snow belt of WNY...and ice and snow and wind hasn't effected it...its a bit of a bear to get set to where you want it but once it set..I havn't had to touch it in 3 years...It works best with radials but will work w'out them....I have it on the roof of my ranch style house and have the radials strung out all over the roof...The easiest way to get it tuned is with the MFJ 259...this gem is worth its weight in gold ..when you need it....

any way ..Larry good luck and hope your decision is an easy one...(stay away from the GAPs...)


Mike W2GR
Niagara Falls NY

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