I just had a scare.... After a 6 month of being off, I turned on my Ten Tec Titan (the first version) and it blew the fuses with a big arc in the amp box. Of course, I put in new fuses and turned it on again (without checking for interior faults--first mistake) thinking it was an arc in the final tank, maybe. With new fuses, I turned it on again.

This time a huge pop and flash in the power supply box (separate from the amp box), smoke, smell of burning, AND A FIRE INSIDE THE POWER SUPPLY ! The fire showed real blaze inside for about a minute and then lots of smoke came out.

The point of my story is that I had the power supply sitting on a piece of cardboard on top of a wall-to-wall carpet, and it was under my bench in a tight spot with a very heavy rig in a cardboard box in front of it. Morale is that if it had burned a bit longer, it may have caught my house on fire and it was placed so that jerking it out was very difficult. I did get it out with great difficulty and put it outside on the concrete deck. I do have a master AC kill switch which I turned off fast, but ......

Somthing to think about when placing radios in hard-to-reach spots. WOW. 73

Charles Harpole

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