I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV...but it seems to me the burden
of proof in our legal system falls to the accuser, along the lines of
"you're innocent until proven guilty."  Everyone against the ARRL decision
to accept P5 and now KP5 goes to great length to cite chapter and verse from
the DXCC rules, but offers not a shred of hard evidence that the proper
documentation was not submitted or there was some kind of conspiracy going
on at the DXCC office.

Everyone knows that our government (and many others) functions with multiple
layers of bureaucracy and the majority of the decisions in running the
government day to day are made by normal human beings working a 9-5 job just
like you and me.   How many times have you made a decision and have had it
overturned by your boss?  Why wouldn't the same apply to someone working for
the government?  Maybe the permit shouldn't have been issued, but it
apparently was.  Does that really mean the operators didn't have permission
per the DXCC criteria to land and operate?  Just because permission was
revoked at one point doesn't mean it was an "illegal" operation while they
were there.  If it was, prove it with hard facts!

To those of you who have way too much time on your hands and appear to be
lacking for something constructive in your life, I suggest you fill your
need to stir the pot by chasing some freebanders off of 10m.  Or better yet,
get on the bands and work some DX!

de Bill, K9RZ

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