I just had a genius take my old out of warrantee TS-231 fm 2 meter radio apart.... to change the back up battery which had gone bad and was affecting correct functioning of the radio.... also both dial lights had gone bad.

This guy had to take that radio COMPLETELY apart with tiny parts falling out of their seats, with the foam cushion on the push buttons going bad, and after three or 4 panels were disassembled, there was the battery and it was SOLDERED IN.

This kind of design is unforgivable in ham radios... Obviously, the radio is designed to fail with the life of the battery.... and changing the battery in most high cost labor markets would make the cost of what should be a simple act... changing a battery... come out to cost as much as a new radio.

We hams have got to take a firm stand against such design and only support those manufacturers who design radios TO LAST and last.... 73

Charles Harpole

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