On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, john wrote:

> I doubt that it's any more expensive to mount a DXpedition these days than 
> it was 40 yrs ago...and is likely cheaper.  Done first class, it's always 
> been an expensive proposition.
> I suspect it takes  more dedication than it does money, although  it 
> clearly costs some bucks.
> John K5MO

They aren't all vacations, either.  Sitting in a place like Peter I or 
Bouvet for a couple weeks isn't my idea of a vacation, anyway.

Ron ZL1AMO told me about one of his visits to Rotuma.  He said the food he 
had was terrible, he was constantly plagued by insects, and he got sick 
while there.  Again. not my idea of a vacation.

BTW does anyone know how Ron is doing these days?

73, zack W9SZ

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