Didn't this used to be a pet peeve of KH2D's?  Seems I've heard this complaint 

Problem is, there's DXpeditions and then there's DXpeditions.  

If someone is planning a nice two week jaunt around the Caribean or similar 
area, operating in between applications of sun screen at the hotel pool, well 
no, I don't feel real obligated to help pay for the trip.  Return postage for 
the card is one thing, but the trip?  That's your holiday or vacation, it 
should come out of your pocket.

But then there's trips like K1B, 3Y0, VX0LIX, etc.  These aren't vacations.  
These are truly expeditions to the remoter reaches of the globe, to activate 
these rare spots for The Deserving (and the rest of us poor schlubs too).  I 
don't mind helping out with the costs of these with a small donation, when I 

Where do you draw the line?  Aye, there's the rub.

73, ron w3wn

----- Original Message ----
From: Charles Harpole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August, 2006 9:55:15 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition support

The remark about a guy wanting hams to pay for his vacation via DXpedition 
donations, brings me to a comment I have thot abt for a long time:  Today, 
much of  DXpeditioning is only for the rich... rich enuf to finance the 
trip, and enuf to be off work (or retired) for the duration.  That is a sad 
situation because I have encountered several possible "wanted entity" 
DXpeditions that could not happen because the key person(s) could not afford 
to spend personal funds to make the trip.

So, much as I dislike funding someone's vacation, there is often a 
difference and I fully understand that some of us hams are in a vy gud 
position (via contacts or location or whatever) to go to some highly wanted 
entities, but simply lack the funds to do so.  I know that I feel somewhat 
ashamed to ask for donations,  loaner gear and other help for my 
DXpeditions, but it is do that or not activate the entity..

I do not know the answer but hope a small discussion about this matter can 
bring out some good ideas.  tnx and 73

Charles Harpole

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