If you visit the Yemem tourist center just about anybody can go there. They have 5 star hotels etc.. But what I don't get is who is the official that the ARRL wants a receipt from of being there and counting as official. They will tell you it doesn't count. Tell me what you need from who to count. I have worked 7O1A and 7O1YGF I need 7O as a one of two left to be acceptable by ARRL.

Tom Wylie wrote:
Why don't you all just get off the guy's case. Yemen is a difficult place well know that. We also know you can't just step off a plane with ham radio gear and start transmitting or you land in jail or worse.

Why don't you just work the guy or don't work the guy - your choice, then wait and see what happens. Who can tell what document(s) he might or might not have. Primarily he is a businessman going there on business, and will try to get some ham radio in when he has the time. If you are so convinced without even knowing the guy, or the facts, that the operation won't count - then - just go on vacation! What business is it of yours to be writing to ARRL BEFORE an operation............



Dave AA6YQ wrote:
Unless Bill has reviewed and pre-approved the documentation for this operation, his only reasonable response is "I don't know; you decide." If he says "I doubt it will count", and you go on vacation, and G4HCL later sends documentation that Bill approves, then his face is on your dartboard. If he says "It might count", and you cancel your vacation, and you spend hours in your shack to work G4HCL/7O, and G4HCL later sends documentation that Bill rejects, then his face is on your dartboard. 7O is the last one I need. There's no question about where I'll be come Monday UTC... 73, Dave, AA6YQ ----- Original Message -----

    *To:* Bill (ARRL DXCC) Moore <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *Cc:* DX Chat <mailto:dx-chat@njdxa.org>
    *Sent:* Friday, August 10, 2007 6:48 PM
    *Subject:* [DX-CHAT] 7O

I am writing this as an open email to you in hopes that you will
    respond to my questions for my benefit, and also for others that
    partake in DXCC. The following article appeared in the DXis website:

    Chris Lorek, G4HCL, has authorized me to inform everyone that he
    plans to be active from Sana, Yemen, once again as 7O/G4HCL from
    Monday 13 August until early on Wednesday 15 August. Chris has
    written permission and official authority to operate on all HF
    amateur bands under supervised conditions, but warns that it may
    or may not be possible to obtain the specific documentation that
    satisfies DXCC requirements. WFWL!
    This is NOT A DXpedition but a business trip, and operation will
    therefore only be when possible and is only likely to be for short
    periods at a time. Chris will be using 1kW to a professional
    biconical monopole communications antenna. Activity will be SSB
    only, and probably only on 20m (look between 14170 and 14260kHz).
    QSL information for this operation is direct only to G4HCL,PO Box
    400, Eastleigh SO53 4ZF, UK.
         This begs the obvious questions given the recent 7O operations
    (7O1YGF AND 7O1A) that have happened and not approved by DXCC:
         1. Have you had any contact with Chris regarding who the proper
    authority is and what paperwork is necessary for it to get DXCC
    approval? Would you let us know who the recognized authority is
    there and what paperwork is required from them. I ask this
    question because it keeps coming up in discussions about past and
    future operation from 7O. If he hasn't contacted you, are you
    going to try and contact him to advise him on what is required to
    get approval of his op from DXCC.
         2. Do you feel there is a possibility of this becoming a DXCC
    approved operation? Is it worth canceling my current vacation
    plans to try and make a contact and get a card confirming it?
         3. Since it is not a Dxpedition and since he will only be
    operating during his available time, it means extensive time
    commitment on our parts to try and be there when he activates.
    That pretty much ties up 3 days to do that. When he is on, there
    will be huge pileups with the slimmer chances of getting through
    .Is it worth going through all of that if it is unlikely to ever
    get DXCC approval? Sharing you opinion on this will hopefully
    gives us a better feel for whether it is worth the effort and
    sacrifices to get in the log.  I don't need any more wallpaper of
    worthless QSL cards from 7O.
    John Owens - N7TK
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