Well, I don't know about 7O7AA or 7O8AA (and yes, Osten, I do recall your
email from back in March, obviously you have more information at your
disposal than I do).  Things may have changed after those licenses were
issued, and especially after the two Yemens merged back into one country.
Or the Aden Branch may have had the authority at one time and does not
anymore.  Or they overstepped their authority the first time or two and was
approval from the Saana may have come retroactively, something they no
longer wish to do.  I could continue to speculate, but we may never know.

As far as the "documentation problem" with 7O1YGF goes, remember two things:

(1)  The 7O1YGF team advertised quite often prior to the DXpedition that
they had a license.  Or at least that they had permission.  This was
re-iterated during and after the DXpedition... but the elusive "license" or
"permission to operate" never appears to have either (a) been put on paper,
and/or (b) been seen in the light of day by anyone outside of the

(2)  The 7O1YGF team has never submitted ANY documentation to the DXCC desk
to have the operation approved for DXCC credit.  Just some photos that were
given to N7NG at Friedrichshafen.

Let us all also bear in mind that this has happened before.  There are more
than a few operations by EU ops from Central America that have not been
approved due to lack of documentation.  It does make one wonder...

And yes, I recall the story about Vlad too.  Funny that they would tell him
no license had ever been issued except the one to the Sultan of Kuwait, yet
we know of licenses (or at least "permission to operate" -- same thing but
technically not quite?  Are they hair splitting?) that have been issued,
such as 7O/OH2YY.  So one wonders what the real story is... again, we may
never know.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Osten B
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:41 PM
To: Zack Widup; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O

As far as I know the "no good" license for 7O1A was issued
by the Aden Branch of The Yemen Telecom, and the head
office in the capital Saana said that the Aden Branch was not
authorized to issue licenses. BUT also the 7O8AA and 7O7AA
operations took place from Aden (according to the information
I have). Maybe also 7O1AA. Can the "documentation problem"
for 7O1YGF be as simple as they also had authorization only
from the Aden Branch?

Vlad, UA4WHX, was in Saana in early 2005 but did not operate
as he could not get a license - he told us that the ministry said
that only one license had been issued, for The Sultan of Kuwait,
but he never used it.

Search Google   UA4WHX + Yemen   and you will find a lot of


----- Original Message -----
From: "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O

> I really don't know much about that country's government.  Are there
> different factions struggling for power, or claiming authority in
> different areas?
> Is it possible some faction claims it can issue licenses, but in fact it
> isn't considered the real agency who issues licenses?
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2007, KR4DA wrote:
>> If you visit the Yemem tourist center just about anybody can go there.
>> have 5 star hotels etc..
>> But what I don't get is who is the official that the ARRL wants a receipt
>> from of being there and counting as official.
>> They will tell you it doesn't count. Tell me what you need from who to
>> I have worked 7O1A and 7O1YGF I need 7O as a one of two left to be
>> by ARRL.
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