The line "Break, Break, Break" appears in "The New Technician Class FCC License Preparation, Third Edition", which contained the July 1, 1990 326 Question Pool. Gorden West, WB6NOA is credited, and it was Developed and Published by Master Publishing, Inc., and distributed by Radio Shack. I quote from page 41:

"3AB-2-1-2 Why should users of a station in repeater operation pause briefly between transmissions?
A. To check the SWR of the repeater
B. To reach for pencil and paper for third party traffic
C. To listen for any hams wanting to break in
D. To dial up the repeater's autopatch

ANSWER C: A repeater is like a party line----there may be others who may wish to use the system. In an emergency, stations may break in saying "Break, Break, Break". Give up the channel immediately. Always leave enough time between picking up the conversation for other stations to break in. It's a pause that may refresh someone else's day in an emergency."

I don't necessarily agree with Gordo, but the first time I saw it in print was in one of his manuals.

vy 73, Mike

Jim Abercrombie wrote:
Also, in what book does it say the term "break", referring to a VHF repeater, mean "emergency"? All of that is perfect nonsense.

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