Gentle Folk:

Before this gets further out of hand... let's tone this down or take it

V51AS has a known mail theft problem.  He is NOT a "well-known QSL deadbeat"
because he answers every card he gets; I've certainly never had a problem
getting cards from him.

Has he been stubborn about getting a mail drop and resistant to getting a
QSL manager?  Yes, but without knowing his side of the story, I am reluctant
to criticize him on it.  And in all fairness, he did get the German mail
drop set up, which I understand has worked reliably since doing so.  Has it
occurred to anyone that the mail thieves may be on to that now?

Personally insulting the man does not help matters.  And it is not in the
spirit of the nature of this reflector.

If you have a gripe or other concerns about QSL'ing in general, or QSL'ing
Frank in particular, the DX QSL reflector is the place to go.  You will find
plenty of help and suggestions there.

But if you can't keep it civil, don't bring it here.

Thank you for your understanding.

73, ron w3wn
administrator, dx chat

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