Hi Win, having driven in Italy I'd wholeheartedly agree.

However you should try driving in India.  The Indian driving test consists of 
ensuring that you can drive along in a straight line a few yards, and that you 
don't mow down too many market stalls and bullock carts when you steer around a 
corner.  And that's it..

Oh, and that you can honk the horn.  Even driving along empty roads at 3am 
everyone honks the horn.  Trucks are brightly adorned with prayers in Hindi 
along with - in English - "Please Sound Horn" painted on the tailgate.  I think 
it's just to ensure that all possible senses are used when driving.  You need 

In India they nominally drive on the left.....and I mean nominally.  
Particuarly at night, everyone (especially trucks) drives with their full beam 
on in the middle of the road playing a macabre game of chicken with oncoming 
traffic.  It's even less safe to drive near the sidewalk or in the gutter as 
there'll probably be someone sleeping there, or maybe a cow sitting there.

You drive straight through a red light if there's no policeman around - you'd 
have to bribe him with 20 Rupees (about 30c) if he saw you - and going through 
a green light you slow down and look carefully, honking your horn, just in case 
there's someone running the red light at 50mph the other way.

On my first day in India (I lived for a while in Madras, now called Chennai) I 
got a tut-tut (a sort of motorcycle rickshaw) from the Taj Hotel to work and to 
my horror he drove straight across the traffic, the wrong way around a 
roundabout (a "rotary" to you Yanks) in the paths of oncoming buses and cars.  
I thought it was my eyesight at first, but the buses really were listing about 
30 degrees to the left due to about a hundred people hanging off the side to 
avoid paying.....

.....but depsite all this, no-one got aggravated, no-one got angry.  

Have you ever heard an Indian operate on the radio like an Italian?  Me neither.

After a while I got to know that rickshaw driver and outside the office where I 
worked we often talked over a samosa and a cup of that amazing South Indian 
coffee bought from street vendors.  He and his family lived under a tarpaulin 
on the pavement.  Yet his eight children looked as smart as the kids attending 
the most expensive private school in London, all in their uniform and with 
their books under their arms going to school.

This guy was born with nothing, but he worked all day and half the night, spoke 
fluent English, German, French and Italian - yet spent everything on educating 
his children to give them a better start than he had.  It was a salutory lesson 
in life and attitude to me, and a real eye opener.

We put these exotic countries in the log, but to actcually travel to them and 
live there is a true life experience. 

I went miles off topic, but what the hell?

Dave G0OIL

--- On Wed, 28/1/09, Win <w...@winlyn.us> wrote:
From: Win <w...@winlyn.us>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Date: Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 12:48 PM

I think it is just a cultural thing.  The Italians ham like they drive. Just

Win, w0lz

----- Original Message ----- From: <f5...@free.fr>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

Concerning the pile-up undiscipline, unfortunetly, I must admit that I fully
agree. I do not know where this kind of "radio" behavior comes from,
but it has nothing to do with any kind of HAM spirit. Strange...

73 de Nicolas F5FRM

----- Mail Original -----
De: "DAVE WHITE" <mausop...@btinternet.com>
À: w8tahra...@gmail.com, dx-chat@njdxa.org, jdav...@mindspring.com
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Janvier 2009 18:02:51 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne /
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

"......and has ask the big guns to hold off a bit. Now we know that will
not happen in some parts of the world but the request may help some. "

I can see right now what's going to happen when they work Europe:

When the operator says quite clearly for the fifth time "Golf Nine Alpha
Alpha Alpha five and nine", all the Italians will keep shouting their last
two for ten minutes solid on the G9's frequency, overmodulating their 3kW
amplifiers and without pausing for breath......even if they are in the log
twelve times already.

I hope I'm wrong, but experience suggests otherwise.

These guys are all pretty good operators and you'll have propagation akin
to a telephone line on most bands nearly 24 hours per day from where you live.
Don't bother takin the time off work during the first week when the big guns
will slug it out toe to toe, but you'll make it in the log easily enough
during the second week. If you wait till the band's closed to Italy,
anyway....."Whiskey eight Tango Alpha Hotel five and

If you're like me you concentrate on CW where there are fewer muppets....

Dave G0OIL

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