Not to make light of the strife and trouble going on there, but I wonder if
a deleted country can be reinstated? I have ST0 South Sudan as a deleted

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:19 AM, DAVE WHITE <>wrote:

>   Clip from today's Sunday Telegraph....
> It seems that some things never change.  I've frequently heard an argument
> that the worst thing that the old colonial powers did was to put Africans in
> charge of Africa.  It's not an opinion that I hold (actually I think it was
> just done badly), but examples that spring to mind are the chaos and
> bloodshed in Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria/Biafra, Ghana, Sudan, Sierra Leone,
> Angola, Somalia, Eritrea, Zaire, Western Sahara, Central African Republic
> etc ... and of course the biggest basket case of the all: Zimbabwe, once the
> bread basket of Africa and now what?
> It does make me wonder whether the current outbreak of troubles in Southern
> Sudan is just tribal squabbling.  Conspiracy theorists (and those who know
> how China operates) may point the finger in their direction, particularly if
> there's oil and other mineral resuorce at stake.  As we know, the Chinese
> have no morals when it comes to dealing anyone who'll sell them what they
> need at a knock-down price....
> I wonder if the referendum of independence for South Sudan will really go
> ahead?  One thing's for certain:  It'll be a brave bunch of guys who mount a
> DXpedition there!
> food for thought, eh?
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
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