It's happened before (Western Sahara).  We've also had new entities replace
deleted ones (East Timor) when they weren't judged to be exactly the same.  


We can worry about it if and when the proper time to do so comes about.  



From: [] On Behalf Of Zack Widup
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] the sad story of South Sudan - a new country after



Not to make light of the strife and trouble going on there, but I wonder if
a deleted country can be reinstated? I have ST0 South Sudan as a deleted


73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:19 AM, DAVE WHITE <>


Clip from today's Sunday Telegraph....


It seems that some things never change.  I've frequently heard an argument
that the worst thing that the old colonial powers did was to put Africans in
charge of Africa.  It's not an opinion that I hold (actually I think it was
just done badly), but examples that spring to mind are the chaos and
bloodshed in Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria/Biafra, Ghana, Sudan, Sierra Leone,
Angola, Somalia, Eritrea, Zaire, Western Sahara, Central African Republic
etc ... and of course the biggest basket case of the all: Zimbabwe, once the
bread basket of Africa and now what?


It does make me wonder whether the current outbreak of troubles in Southern
Sudan is just tribal squabbling.  Conspiracy theorists (and those who know
how China operates) may point the finger in their direction, particularly if
there's oil and other mineral resuorce at stake.  As we know, the Chinese
have no morals when it comes to dealing anyone who'll sell them what they
need at a knock-down price....


I wonder if the referendum of independence for South Sudan will really go
ahead?  One thing's for certain:  It'll be a brave bunch of guys who mount a
DXpedition there!


food for thought, eh?




Dave G0OIL

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