So why would anyone want to buy IRCs at the "going rate" of $1.30, then get 84 cents at the post office?
Barry, W2UP

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:

I did a little checking after you email'd me last night, and there was also mention 
of this in The Daily DX recently (although I'm on a break at work right now, so I 
don't have my DDX archive handy & can't tell you which issue -- I'm sure Bernie 
will if need be!).

Bottom line is that it appears that USPS regulations regarding IRC's were NOT 
updated when the current large expire-this-year IRC's were issued -- and to 
date still haven't.

So, it appears that to rely on being able to redeem current IRC's after 31 
December is not wise.  I'd strongly suspect that USPS regulations may be 
updated by that date.  If not, and if a sufficient number of expired IRC's are 
redeemed (or attempted to be redeemed) after that date, USPS regulations will 
be quickly updated.

In short:  Don't get caught holding the bag.  Assume that IRC's expire at the 
end of the year and plan to use and/or redeem them accordingly beforehand!

73, ron wn3vaw

Date: Tue Jun 13 13:28:54 CDT 2006
To: DX News <>
Subject: [DX-NEWS] IRC's

I read a recent comment on one of these DX reflectors about the cancellation date on the 
new larger IRC's. It basically said that this date relates to issuing (selling) them, and 
does not relate to how long we have to redeem them at the post offices for stamps. It 
said there is no "drop dead" date for redemption at a post office. I lost track 
of this comment article, and and hoping someone will help direct me to the source.

Thank You

John Owens - N7SEJ

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Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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