  My advice, regardless of what the program can do, is to set up a small
spreadsheet with the call, prefix, band and mode typed in by hand.  Then you
can sort or resort the list in various orders, particularly if you are
wanting to keep track of various single-band DXCCs. It starts out as more
work than having the program do something automatically, but it gives you
more flexibity.  Then have the card checker check your list, and when you
get the official computer print out back from the league, go over it line by
line with your log and change the DXCC status of each contact in the program
as appropriate.  Sometimes a card might be invalid, an operation invalid, or
the league may just miss one or more.  So ultimately, you have to check the
returns carefully one by one.
  GL and congratulations on DXCC,
 73, andy, ae6y
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 1412
Subject: [Dx4win] dxcc

> I have 2 questions concerning dx4win.  I used the reports for dxcc and
> listed the countries worked.  I noticed Kuwait is showing up as not
> being worked even thought I have a valid qso in the log.  I deleted it
> and reentered hoping that would fix it but it did not.
> The 2nd question is exactly what do I need to do or what can dx4win do
> to help me throught the dxcc application process.  From reading the
> manual I believe I need to mark all my cards I am going to get check as
> submitted and them print the list of submitted contacts (hopefully 100).
> Any more thoughts or corrections?
> Thanks for your time and patience,
> Jeff Baker
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