On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 07:18:33 +0000, Vlad UA6JD wrote:

>Hello Larry,
>Saturday, March 23, 2002, 9:18:40 PM, you wrote:
>LA> Vlad are your QSL manager updates cumulative?
>LA> That is, do I have to install all of them in order
>LA> or does the last one incorporate the previous updates?
>LA> Thanks for the great service you are performing.
>LA> 73, Larry Alkoff N2LA
>Yes - all info which I was sending to DX4win reflector was cumulative.
>If you need any previous update - LMK I will send to you.

Vlad I copied and pasted your QSL mgr update #5 and #6 into separate files
and compared them.

Most of the entries in the two files are quite different which indicates
that the updates are _not_ cumulative.  It looks like I have to download and 
all of them one by one.

I respectfully request that you send me updates 1 through 4 as I have 5 and 6.

I'd also like to suggest that future updates each include all the previous 
so it would only be necessary to load the latest without worrying about missing
an update.  Items that have changed should simply overwrite the old manager 
with the new.

Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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