On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 04:15:19 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:

>At 12:19 AM 3/28/02 -0600, you wrote:
>>However I'm not at all sure it's useful to worry about dx4win.cty.
>>It seems to me that the log _already_ contains the exception data
>>and that will not change.  The only thing that might matter are new
>>countries added of which there is only Ducie.
>I *think* you'll find that the identification of a particular QSO with a 
>particular country is made between the log and the country databases on the 
>fly, rather than the country data being embedded in the log itself.  Thus, 
>for example, if you remerge a .cty file that doesn't include VP6DI as an 
>exception call and Ducie as a separate country, your VP6DI log entries will 
>be attributed to Pitcairn.
>73, Pete N4ZR

Thanks for the info Pete.
If what you say is so, that's a very poor design.

Something as important as the country should be immutable in
the log until the user changes it.

It's ok for new entries to look at the dx4win.cty for guidance
but after that it should be up to the user.

Just my humble but correct opinion.

Larry N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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