
I'm mixing my comments; starting with ***

1. Existing 6.02 problems (under Windows XP Home anyway)
o PSK31 mouse double click still does not populate the QSO window fields
properly (known bug)
**** This has been reported previously, but typically for systems that
upgraded to XP. On a number of XP systems this works as expected.
Looks more like a MS upgrade issue to me at this time.

o If my packet, RTTY or rotator window fails to open (local problem with USB
ports and RF), the next time I open DX4WIN those windows are all over the
place, not where they belong.  I have to re-set them.
**** Have to check this

o The packet, and maybe RTTY, input area does not remember its size setting.
It must be reset every time I open DX4WIN (already reported).
*** Known issue; caused by changes in one of the libraries that I use
and I have not found a work around.

o PF3 causes a large DOS box to appear before the callsign/lookup window
appears when DX4WIN is opened with a shortcut.  Changing the Startin folder
does not help.  If DX4WIN is opened directly from the .exe file, no DOS
window appears.  This problem has also been reported.
*** And I have no clue what is causing this to be different. What 
data source are you using? Just wondering if other XP users see the same?

o Re above, if I set Automatic Update, a search begins on the first
character typed with no delay, which ties things up for a while and prevents me 
from completing typing the call
*** On-line has a warning about this; bet you have the callsign update 
option enabled.

2. Wish List
o Green-reverse spots when not confirmed even when the contact contributes
to nothing (as discussed)
*** Done for the next release

o Ability to copy a few lines from the packet window so I can paste them
into a manager's address window
*** Works for me; I think you have to be in holding mode for this to work
(to stop text coming in)

o Ability to customize fields and their sequence in the Same Call window (I 
would like to add QSL method, Label?, etc.)
*** Will check that out, but not sure how much demand there is for this

o See local time in the DX Sunrise/Sunset - Info window -- wasn't that there 
*** This display now uses the 'closest' info available (like state, iota). Old 
version only used the country information which had a somewhat
'bogus' field containing the time difference for the country with UTC.
If I can estimate the local time based on the longitude we would be in business 

o Revert the map to 5.03 where I could see a highlighted country much more
*** Not sure what has changed here; highlighted country is shown in Yellow as 
was done in 5.03

o Double click on RTTY fields to populate QSO fields
*** In the planning stage; had more requests for this

o Use gray for disabled modes/bands only.  Use black for confirmed mode and 
band.  Be able to ignore both.
*** Had a few requests for this, but not enough to make this change. Many users
are used to the current setup and consequences. (Spots become gray when you 
work a station that was previously listed as important for example)

o Station worked as part of SWL card
*** This comes up so now and then, and I don't see the need for this. You 
confirm to the SWL that you were indeed active on that time on that band. That 
is what SWL is

73, John, K2CIB

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Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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