At 01:48 PM 1/25/03 -0900, Joe - WL7M wrote:
>I'm with you Gary - wish it had a cabrillo save feature - since DX4WIN is 
>also intended for the "casual contester", its unfortunate that this option 
>is not available.
>At 01:26 PM 1/25/2003, Gary McConville wrote:
>>I'm setting myself for a few shots but I'm still
>>waiting for a cabrillo format on report saves...
>>Gary - WB4SQ
>Hello all,
>You fellows need to understand that 'casual contesting' is geared toward 
>the DX'er who is in a contest for new band and mode countries, with the 
>focus on DX'ing, not contesting.  It has nothing to do with contesting for 
>the intent of contesting, at what ever level, but solely in support of the 
>Also, Cabrillo is not a 'one size fits all' thing.  It is a contest 
>specific format.  Go to 
> and you will see what 
>I am saying.  At a minimum, there are 8 different formats.  Although the 
>date, time, mode, band info is stable, the rest of it is all over the 
>place, depending upon the contest.  It may be a different story if it was 
>one specific file format, such as ADIF.  But, even then, time permitting.
>If you need contest support from the contest perspective, get a program 
>that's main purpose is contesting.  I understand there are even one or two 
>good ones which are freeware, which may be worth looking into.
>When I'm contesting, I use Writelog.
>73 de Steve, NR4M

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