
I too am just a casual contester but would like a few
cabrillo formats supported that could be modified in
word/text format for the other contest parameters. 
DX4WIN32 fills all my logging requirements EXCEPT for
the missing cabrillo output.  Thanks for the
clarification, Steve.

Gary - WB4SQ

--- Joe - WL7M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your clarification, Steve.  Seems that
> what should be understood 
> is that when I, as a DXer, participate in a contest,
> I'd just like to send 
> in my log with as minimal fuss as possible.  I've
> "won" contests for my 
> section/state with as few as 5 QSOs.  That's pretty
> casual.  Yup - they are 
> contest specific.  Sure would be nice if there was
> the option to have at 
> least a few "major" contests supported.  My 2
> cents........YMMV.
> 73,
> Joe
> WL7M
> >>Hello all,
> >>
> >>You fellows need to understand that 'casual
> contesting' is geared toward 
> >>the DX'er who is in a contest for new band and
> mode countries, with the 
> >>focus on DX'ing, not contesting.  It has nothing
> to do with contesting 
> >>for the intent of contesting, at what ever level,
> but solely in support 
> >>of the DX'er.
> >>
> >>Also, Cabrillo is not a 'one size fits all' thing.
>  It is a contest 
> >>specific format.  Go to 
> and you will see what 
> >>I am saying.  At a minimum, there are 8 different
> formats.  Although the 
> >>date, time, mode, band info is stable, the rest of
> it is all over the 
> >>place, depending upon the contest.  It may be a
> different story if it was 
> >>one specific file format, such as ADIF.  But, even
> then, time permitting.
> >>
> >>If you need contest support from the contest
> perspective, get a program 
> >>that's main purpose is contesting.  I understand
> there are even one or 
> >>two good ones which are freeware, which may be
> worth looking into.
> >>
> >>When I'm contesting, I use Writelog.
> >>
> >>73 de Steve, NR4M
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