Hello all

Firstb i want to tell i am very happy with the new update.
Its now also a complete program for the vhf dxer, with the new rst
601 is a mayer update for all vhf dxers. Thanks to Paul and his crew!
 I thimk this will open the european vhf market for the program!

One question. In the note qos from version 407 I wrote 13cm when I made a
qso on that band because 407 had no 13cm band capebility.

I have uploaded my old log to 601 and I saw I had a qso on 13cm. It seed
that a note 13cm in the "notes for this qso's" screen is seen as a qso on
13cm. Is this a bug or is this done on purpuse so that if you had a not with
13cm in it the program 601 sees it as a qso on band 13cm?
Its not a mayer problem, but only a question.

best regards Timon pa9kt


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