In DX4WIN 5.x, the PSK <Settings><Tx> screen allowed you to select the =
PSK keying com port  from 1-8, and either RTS or DTR as the keyed line. =
The 5.x PSK selection was completely independent of the keyed line for =
CW. In DX4WIN 6.02, it seems that your only choices for PSK keying are =
either the CW interface or VOX. What happened to the ability to =
independently choose a com port?

In my 5.03 configuration, I had been using the LPT port for CW keying, =
and the com port for keying in either PSK31 or MMTTY. As long as I did =
not attempt to simultaneously open the PSK window and run MMTTY, this =
arrangement worked fine.

Under 6.02, I attempted to work-arounds... neither which seem to work:
First work-around: telling DX4WIN to use the LPT CW interface for PSK =
keying. It doesn't work. PSK does not key via the LPT port... although =
CW still works fine.

Second work-around: Re-configure for CW keying via the com port. This =
allows CW and PSK to work properly, but prevents MMTTY from running. =
(DX4WIN grabs control of the CW port upon launch, and if you try to =
subsequently launch MMTTY you get a port conflict error.)

Has anyone else encountered these problems? Does anyone have a =
suggestion on how to solve them?


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