Mel (et al),

Mel is absolutely correct - DX4WIN v6.02 keys pins 1 and 16 of the LPT port,
and similarly keys RTS and DTS on a com port. There is no bug; the program
behaves as described in the documentation. Since I am the guy who started
this multiple-email discussion {and claimed there was a bug -- my apologies
to those who really don't care about this topic}, I feel compelled to post
my solution.

The problem for many of us is that  version 5.03 included a com port
configuration feature allowing independent selection of ports for CW and PSK
keying. Many of us took advantage of that feature when designing the
complicated and delicate sets of interfaces between our radios, RibBlasters,
CI-V converters, antenna switch boxes, rotor controls, and computers.
Version 6.02 combined the CW and FSK keying into one configuration setting,
eliminated the independence feature, and thus our interfaces stopped

I have studied the behavior differences between 5.03 and 6.02, and concluded
that the simplest (and cheapest) solution for me is to add a single 2 cent
diode to my serial card, and "diode sum" the DTS signals between com1 and
com2. This will allow me to use com1 for CW and FSK; and use com2 for my
RigBlaster - which controls MMTTY and other AFSK type software. The diode
will connect the DTR signal from PSK keying on com1 to the DTR line on
com2 - so the RigBlaster, which "thinks" it is sitting on com2, will be
keyed by the PSK key line on com1.

Thanks, Mel, for insisting that things were working properly, and forcing me
to look more deeply into my problem.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Martin (VE2DC)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Larry Gauthier'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'DX4Win Reflector'" <    >
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 8:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Dx4win] PSK31 config change in DX4WIN 6.02?

> Yes it does... I'm doing it here... Hooked it up to LPT1 pin 1 and 16
> just to try it out... Usually use a COM port...
> Who says there is a bug?
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Larry Gauthier
> Sent: March 16, 2003 4:16 PM
> Cc: 'DX4Win Reflector'
> Subject: Re: [Dx4win] PSK31 config change in DX4WIN 6.02?
> Mel,
> Thanks for the note - and I agree that, theoretically, you should be
> able to key the rig from the same port that you use for CW (at least
> that's what the config menu says ;-). I am only using 1 rig here, so my
> "work-around #1" _should_ work.
> However, in DX4WIN 6.02, the software has a bug. If you configure to key
> the rig in CW from a COM port, PSK is also keyed from the same COM port.
> If you configure to key the rig in CW from the LPT port, PSK keying via
> the same LPT port does not work.
> -larry
> K8UT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mel Martin (VE2DC)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Larry Gauthier'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "'DX4Win Reflector'" <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:24 PM
> Subject: RE: [Dx4win] PSK31 config change in DX4WIN 6.02?
> > Hi Larry... You CAN use the LPT port to key both CW and PSK31/CW
> > PTT... I would think this would only be a problem if you are using a
> > different radio for PSK31... So work-around 1 should work... Obviously
> > workaround 2 won't unless you define a 2nd COM PTT interface for mmty
> > and hook them up in parallel...
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of Larry Gauthier
> > Sent: March 16, 2003 1:41 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Dx4win] PSK31 config change in DX4WIN 6.02?
> >
> >
> > In DX4WIN 5.x, the PSK <Settings><Tx> screen allowed you to select the
> > PSK keying com port  from 1-8, and either RTS or DTR as the keyed
> > line. The 5.x PSK selection was completely independent of the keyed
> > line for CW. In DX4WIN 6.02, it seems that your only choices for PSK
> > keying are either the CW interface or VOX. What happened to the
> > ability to independently choose a com port?
> >
> > In my 5.03 configuration, I had been using the LPT port for CW keying,
> > and the com port for keying in either PSK31 or MMTTY. As long as I did
> > not attempt to simultaneously open the PSK window and run MMTTY, this
> > arrangement worked fine.
> >
> > Under 6.02, I attempted to work-arounds... neither which seem to work:
> > First work-around: telling DX4WIN to use the LPT CW interface for PSK
> > keying. It doesn't work. PSK does not key via the LPT port... although
> > CW still works fine.
> >
> > Second work-around: Re-configure for CW keying via the com port. This
> > allows CW and PSK to work properly, but prevents MMTTY from running.
> > (DX4WIN grabs control of the CW port upon launch, and if you try to
> > subsequently launch MMTTY you get a port conflict error.)
> >
> >
> > Has anyone else encountered these problems? Does anyone have a
> > suggestion on how to solve them?
> >
> > -larry
> > K8UT
> >
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