Yep I found the same problem and had the same experience as you did.  My
work around  was to stop using DX4WIN for PSK-31.

Rod WC7N

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Gauthier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] PSK31 config change in DX4WIN 6.02?

In DX4WIN 5.x, the PSK <Settings><Tx> screen allowed you to select the PSK
keying com port  from 1-8, and either RTS or DTR as the keyed line. The 5.x
PSK selection was completely independent of the keyed line for CW. In DX4WIN
6.02, it seems that your only choices for PSK keying are either the CW
interface or VOX. What happened to the ability to independently choose a com

In my 5.03 configuration, I had been using the LPT port for CW keying, and
the com port for keying in either PSK31 or MMTTY. As long as I did not
attempt to simultaneously open the PSK window and run MMTTY, this
arrangement worked fine.

Under 6.02, I attempted to work-arounds... neither which seem to work:
First work-around: telling DX4WIN to use the LPT CW interface for PSK
keying. It doesn't work. PSK does not key via the LPT port... although CW
still works fine.

Second work-around: Re-configure for CW keying via the com port. This allows
CW and PSK to work properly, but prevents MMTTY from running. (DX4WIN grabs
control of the CW port upon launch, and if you try to subsequently launch
MMTTY you get a port conflict error.)

Has anyone else encountered these problems? Does anyone have a suggestion on
how to solve them?


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