
After you see the message that 'The QSO does not match the
current filter' , click the OK button followed by an Escape. This 
cancels the current filter and lets you select any QSO shown.

If a 'Selection' is active, this does not work, because only QSOs
that are in the current selection will be shown. When DX4WIN starts,
the selection is 'ALL QSOs', so I don't think that is the problem.


At 03:16 AM 9/3/03 +0000, Tom Johnson wrote:
>To elaborate on my earlier post, if I have multiple qsos with thge same
>station, and try to read from one bamd qso to another, double clicking gets
>me a pop up screen that THE QSO DOES NOT MATCH THE CURRENT FILTER. I have
>gone into the filter options screen and tried to change the filter there to
>DX4WIN V4 OR HIGHER without any success. It will not allow me to make other
>changes, and to be honest, I am not sure that it has accepted tha one
>either. Is there any other place that will allow a filter to be changed or
>any idea of how to clear this problem? I need to be be able to page through
>the QSOs from time to time to log in cards etc, and this can be a real pain
>in the lobotomus..........
>Also, I usually save the SAVE file in another location. If I save the log
>files, does that mean I saved the problem with it? Would deleting the file
>after saving my last few QSOS and then reloading using my old SAVE file
>solve the problem or merely move it around some?
>Does anyone have any ideas? TIA
>Dx4win mailing list

Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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