Jim, Pete and everyone else who answered my question.  Thank you.  Here 
is my problem though.  My last DXCC record sheet, status, has been lost. 
  I am trying to get a copy of it.  The ARRL won't give it to me.  They 
are telling me I have to get it off LoTW.  However, it isn't there. 
Now, I am told you have to upload logs to access your account.  I have 
no way to do that.

Catch 22 situation.  I am totally pissed off at the ARRL for their 
position here.  I have been a member for years, I make regular 
contributions to the BPL fund, etc.  This is no way to treat a member. 
Sad situation.

Thanks for listening to my frustrations.

Steve, N4JQQ

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

> At 10:00 PM 10/1/2004, Steve Rutledge wrote:
>> I am completely and totally registered with LoTW.  I was told by the 
>> DXCC desk that the only way I can look at my existing records is via 
>> LoTW.  I have read everything I can find and still don't know how to 
>> make this happen.  I haven't uploaded any records.  I am just trying 
>> to access my current records.
> Log into your LoTW account.  Select the Awards tab.  You should see, "
> Your LoTW ARRL DXCC (DX Century Club) Account(s)".  Then use the "Select 
> DXCC Award Account" button to see your award stats.  If you click on an 
> award, you can see either pending or current credits.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

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