That is what I notice here too. I used to be able to click on callsigns in
the psk31 window and it would place them in the callsign field of the main
logging program. But it does not always work with ver. 6.03. Worked fine in
5.03. Also I still have not heard any solutions for the ptt issue with the
psk31 window with it locking up on transmit.

73 Jay

Jay Hainline  KA9CFD  EN40om
Colchester, IL

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of J F Samuels
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 03:16
To: Juha Rantanen; DX4WIN List Server
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] RTTY

I disagree.  To require two computers, or two serial ports, or a dummyup
serial program and all that shenanigans to make it work, is not integration.

Even the PSK31 window no longer works properly.  In previous versions I
could click on a call and have it copy to the QSO Call window.  That, at
least, was somewhat integrated.  It is broken now.

In another post someone said they could use their MFJ TNC while logging in
DX4WIN.  That is what I said I did with my KAM, but that is also not
integration -- the two don't talk to each other.

John, K2CIB
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Juha Rantanen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "J. F. Samuels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jim Martin - MM0BQI"
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] RTTY

> > To my knowledge it does not integrate with any sound-card based RTTY 
> > programs.  I know you can import QSOs from WriteLog and many others, 
> > but
> not
> > in real time.
> That is not correct. It will work with MMTTY just fine. Check 
> .
> Juha OH6XX

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