Thanks to all for responding to my plea for an install of versiion 4.07.  I'm 
up and running again!

Next question.  I can't get the CW keyer to work in DX4WIN.  It puts the radio 
in transmit with CTL D, but it does not send out CW neither from the keyboard 
or the function key messages.  I know the LPT interface works, because it works 
fine in CT.  I have the CW port in preferences/radio set to LPT1.  I'm running 
XP Home.  The CW keying worked fine in the old computer with the same hardware 
and radios and like I said it works fine in CT.  Any ideas?
Bob WS1F
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Feb 21 10:43:19 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (wo2n)
Date: Mon Feb 21 10:54:39 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] Tail of Woe

Help!  Jim,  what the heck happened? I was closing out DX4win, then,
I feel  like its crashing??? ,yup, in slow motion, just a click away. What 
an anticlimactic end to the ARRLDXCW contest. Well it started at the end of 
the contest that is, I was logging using CT, a with DX4WIN running in 
background adding  to my DX4win log as I picked up new band fills. So far so 
When I tried to exit DX4win a small window, I never seen before pops up and 
asks "DO you want to Delete the log?" Now why would I want to do that? Why 
is it even an option? Big Accident waiting to happen. Is it real? Your 
kidding right? Nope>>>.
5 years a user I was never asked that. Maybe I did something with the 
So I choose neither YES or NO and  click the X on top right, but the window 
is adamant and comes backup on top and asks again, I click the X top 
right,again, the window is gone, so is my 18 years of log , Deleted anyway! 
What the!><?*&^%$#.
So I close, reopen, and no LOG gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I use explorer, lucky I guess I did a altS a while back to save my window 
position on screen about an hour ago, and  find the tilder log file in SAVE, 
try to open no dice I have to assign a program to do that. Okay how about 
DX4win? Yea, that works from explorer theirs my log. Okay back to DX4win 
load it but NO log appears:( Make a long 1 hr story short, I open the tilder 
log, & dx4win also loads the log is there, PHEW! So I save it , I tried 
wo2nlog, after several tries to restore close open and my log is restored 
Now I'm late for diner, (bad thing) and I remain with in dxwin save a 
wo2nlog with icon of L, document extension file,
and a  tilder wo2n file with the DX4WIN icon in front of it. I don't think 
that was there before the icon in front?
Yea I have a 31/2 floppy, back up from yesterday, but it doesn't have the 
NEW QSO logged, like 15 NEW one's on 160. Maybe DX4 should work like CT, and 
back do an AUTO log backup every 15min to CD or floppy disk? A good option. 
And why not?
PS: Do I have the right LOG files in save Directory?  I have the Lwo2n 
dx4win document,   and a wo2n.    ~xl file?
It works .
Also where's that DELETE LOG button come from?  Very , VERY 
 73, Bernie/WO2N.

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