
This is a known glitch that occured to me in all dx4win versions including
version 7. I am not using version 8. Once I lost a huge batch of qsos. This
tragic experience made me wiser, but eventually I have got to the DEMO
state again.

It surpises me that this has not yet been addressed.  It is a terrible
glitch because one looses data.

There are another matter that should be addressed b4 long which is the
correct soundcard support for newer windows OS.

I tend to keep DX4WIN because I think it is a good pice of software.
However, one glitch here another glitch there that are never addressed, 
will result to a pile of problems. Sooner than later people will have
enough reasons to migrate to another logging software.

Avoid the double clicking and check the left up corner of DX windown every
time you open DX4WIN. You must see your call and name displayed.

Fred PY2XB


On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 09:23:18 -0500, "Gregory Brown" <>
> This likely isn't a bug, but is something to be aware of.
> Yesterday upon exiting DX4WIN 8.02 and answering "yes" to the "Log
> Modified, Do You Want to Save" dialog box, I received the error message
> that I was using an unlicensed demo version and the log couldn't be
> saved.  Very stupidly thinking it meant nothing because I knew it was
> licensed, my finger reflex hit the exit button and zap...the day's QSO's
> were gone.
> The only thing odd about this logging session was that it began with me
> double-clicking a DX4WIN shortcut icon in my quick-start bar (which
> should have been single-clicked) and two DX4WIN sessions tried to open
> at the same time.  One failed (giving an error message) and I exited.
> The other one started successfully so I simply left that one running and
> used it.  
> Assuming this was the cause of the "unlicensed demo version" warning, I
> have some suggestions:
> 1. If you are a habitual double-clicker, eliminate your quick-start
> single-click shortcuts.
> 2. If you accidently start two sessions simultaneously, exit BOTH and
> start again.  Then test the session you are using to make sure it
> recognizes your license.
> 3. If your computer tells you something, LISTEN!  Just because YOU know
> something doesn't mean your computer does!
> 4. If you get the "demo version, can't save log" message, don't ignore
> it...make a hard copy of your changes before exiting, either by
> capturing a screen dump or by printing the modified portion of your log
> (if the program lets you).
> 5.  If you contacted KTØK on late 18 October thru early 19 October UTC,
> drop me an email with the QSO info!!
> Greg KTØK
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