After thinking about this for not that long, I will definitely develop
the ADIF to DXCC Diamond conversion application, like I did for the CQ
DX Marathon.  This presumes I can generate a .CSV file that can be
pasted into the ARRL spreadsheet without any difficulty.  The effort
will benefit everyone who can make an ADIF file, not just DX4WIN

Is there a strong need for a DX4WIN custom award also? Other than
being able to generate a needs list, I don't see any other benefit, as
it won't help filter DX cluster spots.

73 - Jim AD1C

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have been on vacation since 12/22 and just returned home yesterday.
> It is going to take me a while to catch up on the E-mail I have
> missed, so please be patient.
> I understand that the ARRL has released a new DXCC award for 2012
> called the Diamond DXCC:
> I have not read any of the reflector postings and have only skimmed
> the award rules.  I assume people want to know how to track this award
> in DX4WIN.
> The easiest way to track this award in DX4WIN would be for me to
> create a custom award module listing all 231 Diamond DXCC entities.
> This is similar to what I did for the Fred Fish Memorial Award (6
> meter VUCC).  You will be able to set the custom award fields for the
> DXCC entities you work that qualify for the award, but there will be
> no spot filtering, etc. in DX4WIN.  However, you could still generate
> a needed list report, for example.
> The ARRL also has an Excel spreadsheet you can download to track your
> progress.  I could do something similar to what I do for CQ DX
> Marathon, i.e. a program to filter the QSOs from an ADIF file you
> export from DX4WIN, into a similarly-formatted spreadsheet file that
> you could copy/paste into the ARRL spreadsheet.
> Either of these two solutions will take me some time to implement.
> Please be patient and I'll try to have something before the end of the
> month.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,
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