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Michael Moore
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> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Merchant Watch [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 6:12 PM
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Michael
> > Subject: Merchant Watch #38 Is PayPal Safe?
> >
> > Merchant Watch
> > Keeping Merchants Informed About The Payment Industry
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Does Your Credit History Suck?
> > Fix It For The Cost Of A Postage Stamp!
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Is PayPal Safe For Sellers?
> >
> > This issue of Merchant watch is going to be devoted to just one subject.
> > PayPal. PayPal blew in on the Internet scene about a year ago. Their
> > slogan was "Free safe way to send and receive payments online"
> >
> > This quote was taken from a discussion board dedicated to PayPal
> >
> > "There is an reversal of nearly $1000 right out of my checking
> > account"
> >
> > PayPal is an online payment service provider.
> >
> > Recently, PayPal instituted a business type of account and requiring
> > bank account verification and promising that a verified business account
> > would never be subject to chargebacks providing the owner follows
> > a few rules. Furthermore they state in their TOS that they will never
> > withdraw money from a person's bank account without permission. For
> > a mere 2.5% of each transaction you could have an automatic sweep
> > of funds into your bank account daily. This all sounded good.
> >
> > With the exception of the loss of customer's due to the fact they
> > would have to sign up with PayPal in order to send payments to a
> >
> > I could not see any reason a merchant would not want this service.
> > BUT: There is always a BUT somewhere. PayPal went on to instituting
> > a transaction fee along with the percentage they withheld and now
> > their pricing is right up there with a real merchant account. That
> > is not all. Remember the "Safe" guarantee and the "never withdraw
> > money from your checking account guarantee"?
> >
> > I accidentally stumbled upon a WHOLE BUNCH of sellers using PayPal
> > that have nothing but HORROR stories and I think it is a good idea
> > to shed some light this. I would also like to point out some differences
> > between how a real merchant account would work in a similar situation
> > and show you that having a real merchant account is safer than having
> > a so called "Safe" PayPal account.
> >
> > PayPal withdraws almost $1000 from user's bank account. Note:
> > owns PayPal. The user's comment below.
> >
> > "This gets worse by the minute. I went to the grocery store today
> > and my debit card was declined. I knew something was wrong because
> > the last time I looked I have over $1000 in my account. You guessed
> > it! There is an reversal of nearly $1000 right out of my checking
> > account."
> >
> > The above quote was taken from a discussion board dedicated to Paypal
> > questions etc.
> >
> > The thread can be found here
> >
> > ,and here,
> >
> >
> > If you take time to review the threads above, you will find several
> > PayPal users who had their entire account frozen and no access to
> > their money even while Paypal was still collecting payments. I am
> > not just talking about the disputed portion of the money. I mean all
> > of it!
> >
> > With a real merchant account, if a customer disputes a charge and
> > a chargeback results, the actual amount of the charge is pulled from
> > the merchant's bank along with a chargeback fee. The merchant
> > account-acquiring
> > bank is not going to freeze the entire merchant account just because
> > of a chargeback. They will deal with just the disputed portion and
> > the merchant continues to have access to the rest of the monies in
> > the merchant account. PayPal just freezes everything, the disputed
> > portion and everything else in the account. The only time an acquiring
> > bank would freeze the entire merchant account is if the merchant is
> > committing fraud. NOT simply because the merchant accepted a credit
> > card that may have been stolen or the customer is committing electronic
> > shoplifting.
> >
> > Disclaimer, The above information was drawn from comments of
> > users of PayPal and is only one side of the story. I have not contacted
> > PayPal at all about these claims.
> >
> > Thus, I can conclude this. It is safer to have your own merchant
> >
> > Till next time,
> > Todd Sumrall
> >

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