Some throw 'mud' at those using *cash* transactions in *any currency*,
making the suggestion that anyone not creating an audit trail open for
viewing without a warrant by any government agency, must be dishonest!

If we need to authenticate potential business partners, suppliers, or
customers, then this is a task quite independent of the monetary system.

If someone pays you $10 cash (or say a gram of gold), it is not for the
national mint, a bank, the gold suppliers, nor e-gold to vouch for the
merits of the individual or any business they may be conducting.
Undoubtedly, these 'authorities' cannot effectively do that. Neither can
they do so justly or morally.

Some of those, particularly those living in the United States may have been
so conditioned to the watchful eye of 'Big Brother' that they think it is
*good* for banks to refuse to deal with anyone without an account with a
US-based bank, or a  s_ocial  s_ecurity number, or a US street address not
being a forwarding or postal address only! They think it is good for honest
people to have no privacy, and that the United States government ( F_B_I,
I_R_S, C_I_A ) is the legitimate authority for anyone, whether they live in
the USA or not. They think it is great that the UK, USA, and Australian
governments will scan all email traffic for key words and read any mail
matching their critera! (The underscores above are only to try to keep this
conversation between ourselves as it should be, and try not to trigger their

Such monetary system user approval criteria cannot be applied in a free
society. They are nowadays commonly used in the United States, effectively
discriminating against anyone not living in the United States, and those who
have suffered the misfortune to become homeless, or even those who currently
have no fixed address because they are on an extended vacation or who choose
a nomadic lifestyle. There is little ethical difference between the
practical exercise of the banking system as it is in the USA today, and the
biblically prophesised 'Great Tribulation' prohibition against people buying
or selling unless they have the Mark of the Beast in their hand or their

Let's not destroy the benefits of e-gold by making it anything short of
being a form of *cash* or *bearer* instrument!

The specific problems that some people have had (in supplying e-gold for
credit card transactions) reveals problems with *credit card* user
authentication, or with a vendor directly verifying their customer. It does
not create a need for the introduction of banking-type controls into the
e-gold system. The trademark infringement (by "") angle another
suggested may be a good way for e-gold to handle this (if they feel

I have not visited the site or the delphi forum discussion ) , so I have no comment to make
about whatever '' are doing. (Except to say that the
name of "scamfreeclub" has about as much credibility in my mind as the spams
I receive that claim "this is not spam", just as the idea of "Make Money
Fast" is usually (if not always) really "Lose Money Fast"!)

Ian Green
Managing Director
Alpha Omega Computers Pty Ltd, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jeff
> Sent: Saturday, 14 October 2000 7:01 AM
> To: e-gold Discussion
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Warning on scam using e-gold
> What policy will you create to identify and block scammers? Ask for
> ID, bank accounts, create sophisticated algorithms, ask for
> business plans? <SNIP>

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