> The SS# requirement also stopped my application for their debit account.

I'm also curious why SR want this number.

I can see the need for a passport number or driver's license number for 
identification purposes (even though it is pretty useless without 
verification). But AFAIK a social security has nothing to do with 'telling 
who you are'.

(I must admit that I do not know too much about social security numbers in 
the US. In the country I live in, it is even illegal for businesses to ask 
for a social security number.)

> 1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and you can
> tell this from their application form.  I checked that I was from Costa
> Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per directions,b ut their
> system bounced the application for that reason, so I typed in
> 999-99-9999.  That worked.

I was able to submit a test application without SSN, claiming to live in 
Antigua and Barbados. (note to SR: feel free to delete account 120861)

> they are showing that they are not part of the freedom movement,
> but a part of the system most egold users are trying to get
> themselves out of.

SR never claimed to be part of the freedom movement. In fact, they made a 
clear business decision not to be part of it. If you don't like that: don't 
do business with them. Time will tell if more people feel like you.


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